Marble Maid 2 Major Fixes!

Bug Fixes

-Meshball Fixes

-Camera Angle Interaction Fixes

-Changing Powerups during your

-Lava to Water Tile Movement doesnt act instantly

-Artwork Credits fixed

-Waredrobe Glitch now fixed

-Total Board Invisible Button Removed

-Golf Soft Lock been Removed

New Features

-New Golf Camera (To see the entire course)

-Lock On for Boss Mode (Hit the Boss with ease!)

-Coin UI now added to game

-Entering Secret Level now warps you instead of just letting you sit there

-New Level Hubs now show beam of light

-Outline of Maid appears on walls so you can see her through walls

-Two new fan arts have been added


MarbleMaidNegativeLevels 283 MB
51 days ago

Get Marble Maid 2: The Negative Levels

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(1 edit)

I found another error, when reloading the game the bunny tokens (gotten from finding all bunny in a level) reset, wich makes it harder to collect them all since you don't know where you have some left to find (on Steam if this helps)