The Weekly Round Up 14/11/23 - The Major Update Behind the Scenes

We dropped the Shady Lewd Kart direct this past week. With a bunch of new racers and content. Being on of the biggest updates we have done for the game yet!

With Onyx from Pure Onyx joining Kart, Hayley from Dreamcutter and Tentacle Locker just to name the base of this build. Its been jam packed and one hell of a task to move this one out. So thank you again for waiting on this one. All events only have a few days left so get out on the track.

Also we can showcase some behind the scenes as the update is live. With Silviesaurus being one of the earliest ideas we had for Kart. Modeling her only occured last month though and to get her into the game was a task in itself with her moveset.

In the end she really does seem like a very unique racer. Using all four feet to run around the track and as big as Artimus she really does have a dominating feel on the track.

One of the last things we almost missed in this update was the damage bubble. So many things can slip through the cracks but we were lucky to grab this one when we did. As always Ducky's sketch work is on point.

Im keen to see who mains Silviesaurus now as there seems to be a lot of people that really love the fact we have a giant dinosaur in the game haha

Tentacle Locker was another challenge but Molegato was quite creative with the tentacles for the steering. As well as animations. A lot of this early testing we wanted the locker to bend and have life that would animate through the locker.

I think in an odd way Tentacle Locker is on of my favorite racers just because of its strange addition to the roster.

Also the story was quite simple to make. We wanted Tentacle locker to be a part of the world straight away. So it felt right that Silvie was keeping something in her work locker and it also gave us an excuse to destroy her again.

Thats it for this past week. Go get that Shady Lewd Kart update. Its going to keep you busy this week. Also dont forget to preorder Slime Girl Smoothies on Switch! Have time after that watch our videos and share our patreon! Each bit of support helps us grow!


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